March Set up 2018

Hello, my lovelies! How are you all doing? Are you ready for this new month? Me neither! February is such a hangover month for me as I feel like I am just getting back into the swing of things after the madness of January and all the event’s I had on and then February was a bit of a chill month and now March is going to be another one of those months were I don’t see Hubs a lot however I get to go to Munich this time which I am both excited and terrified for as I have new travelled on my own!

However, you’re here to see the setup so shall we jump in?

Hera Oddessy

I have wanted one of this tn’s since they were released over on the Chic Sparrow website, I instantly fell in love with the colour and the distressing of it. I have yet to roll the leather and I’m not sure I will actually do it. I’ll see how I feel about it at the end of this month.

I mean just look at this cover it is beautiful and I got this second hand so it already has some dinks and scratches on it which I think gives it so much more character.

I think I am leaning toward giving her a good roll to give her some wrinkles and that really used kind look and soften it up a bit. But I will update you on that thought process at some point in April. But let’s get into the setup!

Insert set up

I have 9 inserts in my Hera at the moment and this is the same system that I have used over the past few months but in different sizes. You could almost say I have found peace with my inserts just not the size of them! So, when you open up the cover there are a couple of pocket that I don’t really have a lot in at the moment. I have a hobonichi stencil, a Starbucks card and a couple of business cards. I don’t tend to carry a lot around with me really.

I have a few sticker inserts from Chocho and Mimi but other than that I plan when I am in my office so I don’t need a lot on the go. The first string in the cover has three inserts on it at the moment the first is my monthly that shows when a where Hubs is and if I have any appointments of gigs to go to.

I do keep this very simple and I use a lot of washi to mark off things or I use coloured pens to mark of appointments. March has a lot of travel in it and I have yet to mark it off, I’m waiting on Hubs to confirm where he is. The next insert that is tucked inside my monthly is my meal planner and shopping list.

Because I work from home I have to plan these in otherwise I wouldn’t eat or I would just order take out and particularly when I am alone, I hate cooking for one. And with Hubs starting to work from home this month I need to really keep on top of food. This is a new insert for me so I’m looking forward to seeing how this helps. The next insert inside this one! A bit of a Russian doll going on here is my tv series tracker.

I have found that me and hubs have loads of Netflix and Amazon that we want to watch but we can never remember which one we are watching and whereabouts in the series we are so I am hoping that this will help me keep on track with that. The next string, well jump band, in my tn has two inserts on it. The first is my books tracker, I have been struggling to keep track of which book I am reading and what I have read previously.

This has so much in it! I can not wait to get this filled up, I am currently reading the Harry Potter books as I have never read all of them only up to Goblet of Fire and that was years ago! So I am giving them a good go this year. I’m only on the first so wish me luck! The other insert on this band is my tracker insert and this is the grid notebook out of the notes bundle.

This just has my habit tracker and my Instagram tracker in it. I am trying to incorporate bits of the bullet journal system into my tn and tweak my system to make it work better for me. So we are getting into the meat of the planner now and my weekly insert. I am using the week on 4 pages as I always come back to this inset, it is one of my fave inserts from Katie.

I love the way I use them! I split the day into three sections to-do – stuff that has to get done that day, today – any appointments or events that are happening on that day, little things – this tends to be social media and blog related. This works for me I can see my day really easily and then that feeds into my daily inserts which are next. I use the daily inserts to really break down my day and get stuff done!

These is not a lot of decorating on this one this is my most used insert in my planner. The week on the left is used to plan out my social media for the week and when blog posts will be going live and then the day’s are split into two with a time ladder on one side that has when and what is going on and the right of the page is my todo list for that day. Super simple and focused on tasks rather than decorating. The next insert in my tn is a to-do insert from the notes bundle.

This is just a insert of to-do lists and brain dumps, NOT PRETTY, really rough ideas and things that need to get done and broken down in to the tasks needed to get it done from the system Getting Things Done – another book I need to re read! The last insert that I have in my tn is a lined insert that is just scratch paper for me to jot down ideas and keep notes together again you can find this in the notes bundle.

That’s it folks all of my inserts in this Hera B6 Chic Sparrow! There is just one pocket at the back that I have a few stickers in it from a little bit of planning on the go. But not a lot really they are all related to my blog and social media.

And of course, a pen loop because I gotta have a pen loop, I am currently waiting on a fabric insert from Lyra Co. (I’m blaming Chloe for that) in a really nice fabric that I think will go with this if not oh well, it will be fabulous regardless.

I hope you enjoyed this look at my March setup, I am hoping to do one each month so that you can see how I change the inserts to suit my needs and that it might help you with your set up as well. Don’t forget to check out the discount code over on this page if you are wanting to get anything you have seen here.

That’s all for me today! You can follow me on Instagram @samplanslife. Or alternatively, you can sign up to get notifications everytime I post. Just fill in that box on the left.

Take care of yourselves!


1 Comment

  1. I love it. I have been thinking of trying the daily inserts as they look ideal. I also need to re-read Getting Things Done, it’s an amazing book and so adaptable. X

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