Garden Update: April 2021

A lot has happened over the last month! So much is coming to life around the garden and I have had at least 4 bunches of flowers. Straight from the garden and in to the office! I don’t think that there is anything better.

Still no sign of the alliums but they are on the side that gets the least light now thanks to the neighbour. I am still hoping that they come through though as they were stunning last year. But here is a look at the garden this month.

You might notice that we have got the shed in place! It is amazing and I am so happy with it! I still need to figure out the inside organisation. But the outside is waiting on some fairy lights to be attached! Lets have a look around the garden.


First off, inside the conservatory is the French Beans that are coming along nicely! I still have to wait a couple of weeks before I can get them but outside but they are bearing fruit and looking very healthy. I have about 10 plants to put along the side of the with shed or the arch way. Need to think on that a little bit as I do have some climbing beans.


Just outside the conservatory is the potato patch. Four bags that each have 4 seed potatoes in them and they are coming along great. Thought I do need to earth up these ones. I am very excited to get these going again this year and hopefully have a decent crops in about 15 weeks.

I bought a blueberry bush! This is going to fill out the spot that it is in really nicely as it is something that I have always wanted and I am not sure why I hadn’t bought one previously! I have the gooseberry and a bunch of strawberries so why not this!

Speaking of the gooseberry. It is coming along a trooper this year! I do hope that it doubles again in size and gives us a great crop again. Keeping an eye on the caterpillar munching is a priority though last year it was fine.

I got another tree. the one in the middle is a cherry tree. All three are coming along nicely as I was a bit worried about the monster shed next door, but they do get enough light. I am hoping for more than two apples this year and maybe even one plum would be nice. And the cherry may give fruit but I am not sure.

Garden Patch

Time for the main patch. The salad box is coming along nicely and the radishes are booming! I can’t wait to start harvesting these. I have three sections that are on the go at the moment, they have all been planted with a week in between them.

The garlic is shooting up. I need to wait another 4 months before I can even start thinking about pulling them from the ground! The elephant ones in the back corner are going to be beasts! I can not wait!

Yes, I am doing peas again this year but I learnt my lesson! Fewer is better, or at least more manageable I hope! We had a lot to harvest last year so I am hoping that fewer will be more manageable and less chaotic!

I have about 4 different types of beetroots this year and I and there are a couple of varieties that I am looking forward to eating. there is now verity that I have planted that is a mixture of colours so that is going to be interesting.

And the last bed that is getting there is the onions and radishes. This is the second batch of radish that I have, there is also one in the greenhouse. The onions are coming along nicely. I planted sets a few months go and they are getting there though I am covering them at night with some fleece.


Of course I had to get my sunflowers planted. I have hundreds of seeds and there are all from the different sized plants that I had last year. This is going to be interesting to see which ones get to the size of last year or are they going to smaller or bigger. The 8 foot ones are coming along nicely.

Along with vegetables I am also growing some flowers. Cosmos to be exact. I love the flowers these plants have and I have some marigold and nasturtium as well. I also have the borage seeds that I harvest last year to plant but I will direct sow them in May I think.

Last but not least a few of the other vegetables that I am growing. Kale, spinach, swiss chard, and purple broccoli. There are a lot of over-winter vegetables this year but I am hoping that I learn a bit more about what I enjoy growing and which take too much effort to grow.

That’s all for not. I hope you’ll join me again next month. What are you growing?


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