Tending List: March 2021

Okay, so this month’s list may have already changed based on the last few days but here goes at trying to get them all listed out. And to be honest, a few have been migrated from Feb to this month as well.

With the weather getting nicer, some of these jobs are slightly more viable. So, where did I get to last month? Well, I will highlight the jobs that I have move to this month, but I will also go through the new ambitions for this month.

Monthly Actions Items

Sort Garage and front garden plan

We have a new shed coming halfway through this month, so this job will get done until I have the shed in place. Still, I have a rough idea in my head as to what I want to get done in the garage.

*Paint bits around the house

This is a carry-over task and again won’t happen until the end of the month. When I can get to the painting supplies, but it will get done this month.

Fix bike

I need to give my bike a bit of TLC and get her set up and ready for some spring and summer bike rides again. Fingers crossed, there is not a lot that needs doing! Though I may call on the neighbor to have a once over as he fixes bikes.

*Paint porch and conservatory brick – prevent damp

Like I said last month, this one is massively weather dependant, and I need a couple of good days to get this done, so fingers crossed this month is the month! Otherwise, it’s going on my April list to do.

Garden care

As the weather changes, I am itching to get out in the garden and get planting again. I have already started some seeds inside, and there are growing great. I need to sort out the greenhouse and get them ready for plants to go in it.

PowerSheets refresh

As it will have been three months since I set my ambitions for the year, I want to go back over them and make sure that they are still relevant and maybe tweak a few to refine them.

Weekly Action Items

Declutter one drawer

I want to get rid of a bunch of stuff out of the house again. I don’t think that I will go so far as to do a mins game, but maybe a light version of it weekly is the better approach this time and be ruthless in what I am getting rid of. I do need to remember to have an exit plan in place.

Blogging – Weekly post

You may have noticed that I have been blogging for a while. Still, I have managed a post a week over the past month. I have a few themes that I know that I can write about each month, and then I have space for add-hoc posts about other bits. 

Journal / Print pictures

In 2019 I printed pictures once a week to add to my journal. Over the past 12 months, I have not done that at all. I should have really documented the year that brought a massive change to all our lives. I am going to try and get back into this habit.

*Meal plan more vegetables

Okay, yes, this is another that has been brought over from February. It still needs work, and we need to make our meal plans much more exciting. Jono and I have the skills to cook exciting food, but sometimes we just can’t be bothered.

Self-care Sundays

This is going to be a guilty-free indulgence day. If you want to play your game all day, go for it. I’ll be stitching in the conservatory—just no jobs or expectations for one day a week.

Daily Action Items

*Move Body

Yes, this one is staying on the list because I suck at it. I want to be swimming again! As I much prefer that as a way to lose weight. I also think that now it’s nicer, weather-wise, to get out for 20 mins on the bike during the day.

Phone away at night

I have a bad habit (so does Jono) of having my phone by my bed and checking it up to the last second before getting into bed. So I want to try and leave it in the office on a night rather than the bedside table.


I am enjoying my book at the moment. It’s the first in a trilogy, so hopefully, I can continue to read this and get the next two bought by the end of the month, and then I also have another book set up.

*No spend

Same again, really. I did well last month, and I am using a notebook that I love and a cover that I made, so fingers crossed this sticks.

Get outside 20 mins

Garden, walk, bike pick one, do it! It doesn’t have to the same thing each day; I just need to get out, you know, leave the house and get some fresh air.

I have high hopes for March, and I think that a lot of these are going to get ticked off, and I’ll have a fresh slate for the next quarter.

Stay safe!


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