April Planner Spreads

The month of April has been the quietest that I have had so far this year. And I have been in my Bullet Journal for the whole month. With the exception of some trail and error in a Passion Planner, but I am getting there.

I wanted to start doing a monthly review of the to see how I got on and what I have done in my planner. I am hoping that this will help you see that a bujo doesn’t need to be fancy to work.

Though having said that I am going to try and use some stickers in my bujo for the month of May. So we shall see how that turns out. But any way lets dig into the spreads that happened in April.

Week 14

April 1st – 7th

I must admit that starting my bujo this month was brought on by frustration at myself at jumping between planners and I wanted to work out of one planner and doing a bullet journal just made sense to me.

I tend to get more done when I remove the frills and just focus on the function of my planner. I’m starting my bujo I intended to go on, simple and to the point.

Week 15

April 8th – 14th

During this week I was in Wijchen at the Yoast head office. To be honest this week in my bujo was a bit of a mess. I have yet to figure out what my travel stationery is yet. Though based on the amount of travel I have done I should know by now.

I like this style of layout as it give me the option of having a week at a glance and having a tone of space for my daily lists. Which is what my bujo tends to be most of the time.

Week 16

April 15th – 21st

I went for the same layout again. It worked for me while I was away and it gave me the chance to stay with something familiar while getting back on track after my travels.

I must admit as messy as this is I really like this page. There are loads of tasks ticked off. Some have been migrated, others crossed out. This to me is how your bujo should look if you are using it for you and not for your Instagram – Harsh I know but that is another blog post.

Week 17

April 22nd – 28th

This is my last week of April. Yes I changed up the layout again, but I am really like this at the moment as I get to see the whole week and I have space to do a daily list.

I also have space for notes for next week and space for a master to-do list. I was missing having somewhere to make notes for the next week and I think I solved it with this.

Daily Journaling

I have been doing morning pages for a while now but in a separate note book and lead to me sometimes forgetting to do them. So, I have started to so them in my bujo.

This has been working for about two weeks now. I know that it means that I am going to go through notebooks quicker but if it means that I am doing them on a daily basis. Then I am not fussed and it means that I am at least doing it.

Books to read

I have tried many times to read these books, I am going to try and get these all finished by the end of the year. I may end up having to transfer this list but at least it is all in one place.

May Set Up

My first spread of May is a travel page and a highlights page. I have only a couple of trips this month but they are big ones!

So two things, I will be interested to see if I actually use this spread and I actually fill it in. I will show you next month if I actually use this. The other is that this is a bit of a duplicate of info I already have. I have a lot of this on Trello so it dose feel a like redundant but we shall see!

First Week of May

I am using the same layout that I did in the last week of April but after that I will be changing it up again. I can’t seem to find a style to settle one. But that is the beauty of the bullet journal. Not happy change it up!

I do have some thoughts on what I am going to do next in my journal. And I have a few more layouts sketched out as well. I glad that I am feeling more focused on this planner now and I am doing it more for my sanity.

Check in next month to see how May turns out. Happy Planning!

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