A Walk Around York: Beginning

Hello and welcome to a blog series that I hope that you guys will find interesting. Now its nothing to do with cards but it is to do with where I live; York. Now I don’t know how much you will know about York but it is famous for it’s Snickelways (don’t worry if you don’t know what they are I’ll explain in a bit). There is in fact a book was written purely about the Snickelways of York called “A Walk Around the Snickelways of York” A-Walk-Around-York

I have wanted to get this book for ages and for Easter this year my Mum bought me it as a present from Waterstones, but you can get it from Amazon. Here is the front of the book. Well what is a Snickelway then; its actually a combination of three words which are; Snicket: A passageway between walls or fences. Ginnel: A narrow Passageway between buildings. Alleyway: A narrow passage; alley. So a Snickelway is “A narrow place to walk along, leading from somewhere to somewhere else, usually in a town or city, especially in the City of York.”

Bootham-Bar-Start-and-FinishSo one sunny day in York me and my Mum decided to do the walk around York. I took my camera with me to take a photo of each Snickelway as it is today. To start you need to head to Bootham Bar, this is where the walk starts and finishes. And here is the Bar today.


Here is were we start our walk around York, I hope that you enjoy this and don’t  forget to stop by next week when we head on to the first and maybe the second of our Snickelways.

Thanks for joining me.