Give me 30 days and I promise that you will feel better and less stressed about the stuff around your house because there will be less stuff. And less stuff means less stress, trust me!
If you followed along with my Mins Game over on Instagram you will have seen the sheer amount of stress that I had in my house and that I managed to get rid of a lot.
No really! Go check it out.
I had gotten to breaking point with the amount of stuff that I had in the house and in a previous blog post I said that most of the stuff in the house is mine in some way.
It was a big task but I did it. I completed the Mins Game, okay I had a little bump in the road however, I did it and I am looking at doing it again in the New Year. But I also wanted to help those of you that struggle with this just as much as me.
So for the next 30 days I have a task for you to do each day. You can spend as much or as little time on these each day as you want but remember that all that stuff in the house is your responsibility. You brought it into the house it’s time for you to get it out of your house!

These are the areas that we are going to focus on for the next 30 days or when ever you want to start. I have found that I get more stressed with challenges if I start on the first of the month. So I start mid month and just go!
I know there will be those that think I’m mad for starting mid month but I know what I am like and I know I will put unnecessary stress on myself if I do it on the first! But if you want to start on the first then go ahead! No judgement here!
The calendar above can be printed out on A4 and stuck to your fridge or in your hallway or where ever you have a lot of footfall. If it is in you line of sight you are more likely to get on with it.
Let’s get rid of some of that stress and stuff this year and start to live a bit more of a intentional life!