Making Vegetable Plots

We moved into our house about 7 years ago now and one of the first things I said I wanted was to have some veg plots at the end of the garden. And I think with everything that is going I am finally going to have them!

Because the scraps from the bedroom have not been taken away yet I had a bunch of scrap on had to trail this idea out. So I pulled a bunch of the longer bits out of the pile and started to saw them down to make beds of 6ft x 3ft.

I measured everything up and cut them down to size and then laid them out on the lawn to ponder out how I was going to put them together. I raided the Man Cupboard and grabbed a hammer and some nails and got to work.

The next big job was to get the ground ready for them to go in place. So I spent some time weeding the are that the first one was going to go into and dug a little trench for it to sit in so that it was level and set in place.

Like I said in my last post I have space for 4 plots and I don’t think Jono believed me as I went and put another one next to it to prove that I could get two there! But that is not where the other two beds are going.

I cracked on with the second bed weeding and got that ready for the second plot to go into place. I also prepped to spots for my pumpkins for when I can plant those guys out.

I have also put some trellis in between where the two back beds are so that any tomatoes that come through will have somewhere to grow up. On the far right, I have potatoes in the ground already and I am hoping that they come through at some point.

I am really chuffed with how this has turned out and I can not wait to start tending to this on a regular basis! It’s going to awesome in summer/autumn.


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